Monday, March 11, 2013

Friday - our last full day

After an exhausting yet amazing four days slam packed of meetings and activities we finished our week exploring Panama with a visit to Ralph Lauren.  We met with Maria Teresa Alvarez - VP Panama and  Hermino Soto - Senior Director of Finance and Operations.

The morning was full of interesting conversation and lots of great information on how large corporations do business in Panama.  Ralph Lauren occupies two office spaces within the building, one that is only offices for personelle, the other... an amazing showroom!  Their view isn't half bad either...

A delicious lunch was icing on the cake of a wonderful meeting!

From lunch we swung by the hotel before embarking on a little shopping for a few last minute touristy purchases.  Multiple molas and other knick knacks were purchased for family friends and ourselves.

Our final dinner was one I don't think any of us will forget.  We all gathered at a restaurant just down the street from our hotel for one last meal, lasting a bit longer than usual (around three hours), but that is what we learned to expect in Latin America.  We all shared our favorite moment from the trip (apparently everyone really loves buttons!) and reflected a bit on the week we spent exploring Panama! Needless to say, I think we all we sad to see the week end but come away with new friends, memories, and ample information on doing business internationally! 

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