Thursday, February 28, 2013

Panama, Here We Come!

I can't tell you how excited I am to go to Panama in less than 2 days! However, there is still much to do before we leave on Saturday.

I have been anticipating this trip for a while now and made my packing list a few weeks ago. I don't want to overpack, but I want to make sure I have everything I need. As a fashion student, I have thought a lot about what I am going to wear for weeks. Making a list has definitely helped! I will put this to the test when I pack everything tomorrow.  I will be taking knit dresses for business casual because they will travel well, as well as other more casual outfits for our adventures around the city. I will also be packing granola bars and dark chocolate for when hunger and chocolate cravings strike. I am also bringing Flat Stanley with me. I have a cousin who is doing a Flat Stanley project in her kindergarten class. Flat Stanley is a paper doll that the students send to out of town friends and family. When he arrives, he is to be treated like a visiting guest. Friends and family keep Stanley for a few weeks and then they send him back and write about Stanley's experiences. Through this project, the class will learn about the different places that Stanley has visited and learn about the world around them. As you can see by the photo below,  I have a lot of work to do tomorrow but Flat Stanley is ready to go!

One thing I am really excited about is the weather. Raleigh has actually experienced winter weather this year, and I am glad that I will be able to spend my Spring Break in a warm place. The average temperature in Panama this time of year is 90 degree! I also look forward to getting to know the culture and people of Panama and putting my Spanish to good use, as well as trying Panamanian food.

I look forward to making connections with the other program participants and can't wait to be on the ground in Panama experiencing new things and meeting new people.

Más Luego,


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